Pets Are Us





Leaving town for business? Taking a vacation? Have no fear! We are here to provide your feline friends with the best care and lots of TLC!

We Care For Your Pets Like No One Else!

Cattery Conditions

1. A current vaccination certificate must be produced for all cats upon arrival. No cat will be accepted without an up to date certificate for protection against Infectious enteritis and feline Influenza (Cat Flu).

2. Whilst cats boarding at PetsAreUS receive every care and attention, they are boarded entirely at the risk of the owner. Should any cat fall ill whilst being boarded we will contact you own veterinary surgeon and act upon his advice and the expenses incurred will be met by the owner of the cat. However, we will be taking a veterinary deposit of 50kd to cover all cats for any illness that may occur during his stay with us, which is refundable at the end of stay if not used.

3. All payments for the boarding is taken in advance. Pick up and drop off services are paid separately.

4. In the event of cats being removed before the end of the period booked the full amount remains payable.

5. If any border is not collected within 14 days of the stated departure date with no communication from the owner, and where it is not possible to contact any other person responsible for the cat/s, the proprietors reserve the right to dispose of the animals in an appropriate manner.

6. Due to the extensive range of flea & worming products on the market, if we find that your cat/s have arrived with an infestation of fleas or worms, we will contact YOUR vet who will dispense the appropriate treatment/s.  Your vet may insist on seeing your cat/s prior to treatment.  The cost of treatment, collection and/or transportation costs will be added to your account.

7. We request that cat collars are removed, prior to your cat arriving for its stay, any cat wearing a collar will have it removed for the for safety reasons.

8. Any cat suffering from, or suspected to be suffering from, any infectious disease cannot be accepted. All cats will be examined on arrival and the proprietor reserves the right to refuse admission to any cat showing signs of ill health, pending advice from a veterinary surgeon. Owners will appreciate that this is essential in order to safeguard the health of all cats boarded.

9. We regret that male cats over the age of seven months, which have not been neutered, cannot be accepted for boarding.


At PetsAreUs,  we can cater for every feline palate, no matter how selective or particular your cat may be. We ordinarily stock Felix As Good As It Looks, Bona Cibo, Sheba and Purina Friskies. We have a selection of fresh foods, usually cooked chicken if needed only. In addition, we only feed good quality dried foods.  However if you would like to provide us with your own food, we can administer accordingly. If your cat is on a special diet that is supplied by your vet, it may be necessary for you to bring this in with your cat so that we can continue with his or her prescribed diet whilst he or she is with us.
Additionally, we welcome any treats or titbits that will encourage your cat to settle in quickly. “After all it’s your  cat’s holiday too!”
In general, adult cats are given two meals daily, served morning and evening. Kittens and elderly cats are fed according to their individual needs.
To safeguard the health of all our boarders we reserve the right to refuse admission to any cat showing signs of ill health.


All cats must have been immunized against Feline Enteritis and Cat Flu within the last year and the last vaccination must have been completed at least 7 days prior to boarding. Owners must produce an up-to-date inoculation certificate on arrival which will be kept at the cattery whilst boarding. All male cats over the age of seven months must be neutered before they are permitted to be boarded at PetsAreUs. Your own Vet will advise you as to the exact time as maturity varies from one cat to another.

Should your cat e on regular medication , please bring written instructions along with the medication in a clearly marked container. The instructions should detail the name and dosage of the treatment, how often it should be given, what it is for, when it was last given and advise as to how you have successfully administered medication to your cat previously e.g. tablets crushed up in meat. Please note we do not charge any extra for administering medications. We carry out continuous daily monitoring of your cat’s behaviour, appetite and general wellbeing. This is recorded each day and a report of anything unusual made to the owner on collection of their cat.


Boarding per day with food

KD. 5.500/-

Boarding per day with food supplied

KD. 4.500/-


4pawzkuwait charges including transportation subject to availblity

Pick up and drop off

KD. 1O/- (Both Way)

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